Packages changed:
  libzypp (17.24.0 -> 17.24.1)
  python-idna (2.9 -> 2.10)
  python-pyrsistent (0.15.7 -> 0.16.0)
  yast2 (4.3.14 -> 4.3.15)

=== Details ===

==== helm ====

- Add bash and zsh completion sub-packages

==== krb5 ====

- Do not mangle libexecdir, bindir, sbindir and datadir: there is
  no reasonable justification to step out of the defaults.
  + No longer install csh/sh profiles into /etc/profiles.d: as we
    not install to default paths, there is no need to further
    inject paths into $PATH; also, now sbin binaries are only in
    path for admin users.

==== libzypp ====
Version update (17.24.0 -> 17.24.1)

- Fix bsc#1174011 auth=basic ignored in some cases (bsc#1174011)
  Proactively send credentials if the URL specifes '?auth=basic'
  and a username.
- ZYPP_MEDIA_CURL_DEBUG: Strip credentials in header log (bsc#1174011)
- version 17.24.1 (22)

==== python-idna ====
Version update (2.9 -> 2.10)

- update to 2.10:
  - Update to Unicode 13.0.0.
  - Throws a more specific exception if "xn--" is provided as a label.
  - This is expected to be the last version that supports Python 2.

==== python-pyrsistent ====
Version update (0.15.7 -> 0.16.0)

- update to 0.16.0:
  * No major updates but Python 2 support no longer guaranteed.
  * Fix #192, 'ignore_extra' for 'pvector_field'. Thanks @ss18 for this!
  * Fix #191, include LICENCE in distribution. Thanks @johnthagen for this!
  * Fix #190, minor MyPy errors. Thanks @Qhesz for this!

==== yast2 ====
Version update (4.3.14 -> 4.3.15)

- Better management of libzypp repovars (eg. those enclosed in
  curly brackets) introducing the new Y2Packager::ZyppUrl class
- Do not crash during the upgrade process if some repository URL
  cannot be parsed (bsc#1172867)
- 4.3.15