# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit toolchain-funcs # Hack until upstream renames from 0.5 to 0.50 MY_PV="${PV/50/5}" PATCHREV="1" DESCRIPTION="ARCLoad - Bootloader for SGI IP22/IP32/IP27/IP28/IP30 Systems" HOMEPAGE="https://www.linux-mips.org/wiki/ARCLoad" SRC_URI="https://www.linux-mips.org/pub/linux/mips/people/skylark/${PN}-${MY_PV}.tar.bz2 mirror://gentoo/${P}-patches-v${PATCHREV}.tar.xz" LICENSE="GPL-2+" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="-* ~mips" IUSE="abi_mips_o32" DEPEND="sys-boot/dvhtool abi_mips_o32? ( sys-devel/kgcc64 )" RDEPEND="" RESTRICT="strip" S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}" PATCHDIR="${WORKDIR}/${P}-patches" PATCHES=( "${PATCHDIR}/${P}-shut-gcc4x-up.patch" # For gcc-4.x, quiet down some of the warnings "${PATCHDIR}/${P}-makefile-targets.patch" # Tweak Makefile to allow for cross-compiling # "${PATCHDIR}/${P}_deb-elf64-on-m32.patch" # Load ELF64 images on 32-bit systems - XXX: #543978 "${PATCHDIR}/${P}_deb-cmdline-config.patch" # Pass arcload label name on PROM cmdline "${PATCHDIR}/${P}_deb-config-in-etc.patch" # Look for arc.cf in /etc and fallback to / "${PATCHDIR}/${P}-local-elf_h.patch" # Use std sysheaders bits to make compiler happy "${PATCHDIR}/${P}-wreckoff-abiflags-fix.patch" # Patch wreckoff.c to handle the .MIPS.abiflags section "${PATCHDIR}/${P}-disable-ssp.patch" # Disable SSP for ELF->ECOFF, as wreckoff can't handle "${PATCHDIR}/${P}-silence-warnings.patch" # Silence various warnings due to the code being old ) src_compile() { local myCC myCC64 myLD myLD64 myCC="$(tc-getCC)" myLD="$(tc-getLD)" if use abi_mips_o32; then myCC64=${myCC/mips/mips64} myLD64=${myLD/mips/mips64} else myCC64=${myCC} myLD64=${myLD} fi # Build the wreckoff tool first. It converts a 32bit MIPS ELF # into a relocatable ECOFF image. We call for BUILD_CC # on the offchance that we're cross-compiling. echo -e "" einfo ">>> Building the 'wreckoff' utility with $(tc-getBUILD_CC) ..." emake CC="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)" tools_clean tools # 32bit copy (sashARCS for IP22/IP32) echo -e "" einfo ">>> Building 32-bit version (sashARCS) for IP22/IP32 with ${myCC} ..." cd "${S}" emake MODE=M32 bootloader_clean emake CC=${myCC} LD=${myLD} MODE=M32 bootloader cp "${S}"/arcload.ecoff "${WORKDIR}"/sashARCS # 64bit copy (sash64 for IP27/IP28/IP30) echo -e "" einfo ">>> Building 64-bit version (sash64) for IP27/IP28/IP30 ${myCC/mips/mips64} ..." emake MODE=M64 bootloader_clean emake CC=${myCC64} LD=${myLD64} MODE=M64 bootloader cp "${S}"/arcload "${WORKDIR}"/sash64 } src_install() { dodir /usr/lib/arcload cp "${WORKDIR}"/sashARCS "${D}"/usr/lib/arcload cp "${WORKDIR}"/sash64 "${D}"/usr/lib/arcload cp "${S}"/arc.cf-bootcd "${D}"/usr/lib/arcload/arc-bootcd.cf cp "${S}"/arc.cf-octane "${D}"/usr/lib/arcload/arc-octane.cf # Add a manpage for arcload(8) from the Debian Project. doman "${FILESDIR}/arcload.8" } pkg_postinst() { echo -e "" einfo "ARCLoad binaries copied to: /usr/lib/arcload" echo -e "" einfo "Use of ARCLoad is relatively easy:" einfo "\t1) Determine which version you need" einfo "\t\tA) sashARCS for IP22/IP32" einfo "\t\tB) sash64 for IP27/IP28/IP30" einfo "\t2) Copy that to the volume header using 'dvhtool'" einfo "\t3) Edit /usr/lib/arcload/arc-*.cf to fit your specific system" einfo "\t (See ${HOMEPAGE} for" einfo "\t an explanation of the format of the config file)" einfo "\t4) Copy the config file to the volume header with 'dvhtool' as 'arc.cf'" einfo "\t5) Copy any kernels to the volume header that you want to be bootable" einfo "\t6) Reboot, and enjoy!" echo -e "" }