# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=7 DIST_AUTHOR=NEILB DIST_VERSION=1.71 inherit perl-module DESCRIPTION="Perl5 module for reading configuration files and parsing command line arguments" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris" IUSE="test" RESTRICT="!test? ( test )" # https://bugs.gentoo.org/721206 # https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=132442 LICENSE="Artistic" RDEPEND=" >=dev-perl/File-HomeDir-0.57 " BDEPEND="${RDEPEND} virtual/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker test? ( virtual/perl-Test-Simple ) " src_test() { perl_rm_files t/97-pod.t t/99_author.t perl-module_src_test }