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8-ì-Í-®Ô-ˆÐOœ¤Ë(Ò8Ü29¤2:+2>Q™?Q¡FQ©GQÀ-HRt-IS(-XSXYSp\SÜ-]T-^VsbVécW’dXeXfXlXuX(-vXÜwZh-x[-y[Ðz\“\Æ\ ä\&å\hCruby2.52.5.9150000.4.36.1An Interpreted Object-Oriented Scripting LanguageRuby is an interpreted scripting language for object-oriented programming. It
has many features for processing text files and performing system management
tasks (as in Perl). It is extensible.
* Ruby features:
- Simple Syntax
- *Normal* Object-Oriented features (class, method calls, for
- *Advanced* Object-Oriented features(Mix-in, Singleton-method, for
- Operator Overloading
- Exception Handling
- Iterators and Closures
- Garbage Collection
- Dynamic Loading of Object Files (on some architectures)g¸œ{h01-ch3d½NSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC BSD-2-Clause OR Rubyhttps://www.suse.com/Development/Languages/Rubyhttps://www.ruby-lang.org/linuxx86_64for bin in rake rdoc ri; do
/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --install \
/usr/bin/$bin $bin /usr/bin/$bin.ruby.ruby2.5 125
/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --install \
/usr/bin/$bin.ruby2.5 $bin.ruby2.5 /usr/bin/$bin.ruby.ruby2.5 125
doneif [ "$1" = 0 ] ; then
for bin in rake rdoc ri; do
/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove $bin /usr/bin/$bin.ruby.ruby2.5
/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove $bin.ruby2.5 /usr/bin/$bin.ruby.ruby2.5
Iºéé&&ÂÂO®À°° é
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/bin/sh/bin/sh/usr/bin/ruby.ruby2.5config(ruby2.5)libc.so.6()(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit)libruby2.5.so.2.5()(64bit)libruby2_5-2_5rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)ruby-commonruby2.5-stdlibupdate-alternatives2.5.9-150000.¸jÀgMÀe2kÀcäÀb_õÀb_õÀaÀ`u‡À`OL@_‰‹@^¨À^¨À^Œk@^b;@^;ÿÀ]œz@]$À]:À\›eÀ\‹“À\\À[÷ëÀ[öš@[âÓÀ[ÅÒÀ[…9@[…9@Z³šÀZiÆÀZ\—ÀZ@è@Z@è@Z8ÿ@Z7ÀZÃÀZÏ@Z,@Z,@ZC@ZC@ZñÀYøeÀYÔÍ@YÔÍ@YÄû@YÄû@Y¶zÀY²†@YŠù@YŠù@steven.baker@suse.comsteven.baker@suse.commrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.deali.abdallah@suse.commrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demliska@suse.czmliska@suse.czmrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.dejdelvare@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.dejengelh@inai.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.de- remove rexml-test.patch as it is included in suse.patch now
- update suse.patch to f0660edeba
- fix HTTP request smuggling in WEBrick
bsc#1230930 CVE-2024-47220
- update REXML to 3.3.9 to fix ReDOS vulnerability
bsc#1232440 CVE-2024-49761
- [ruby/uri] Fix quadratic backtracking on invalid relative URI
- [ruby/time] Make RFC2822 regexp linear
- [ruby/time] Fix quadratic backtracking on invalid time
- merge some parts of CGI 0.1.1- backport REXML from 3.3
- fix denial of service when parsing a XML that has many deep
elements with the same local name attributes
(boo#1229673 CVE-2024-43398)
- fix denial of service when parsing an XML that contains many
specific characters such as whitespaces, >] and ]>
(boo#1228794 CVE-2024-41123)
- fix denial of service when parsing an XML that has many entity
expansions with SAX2 or pull parser API
(boo#1228799 CVE-2024-41946)
- fix denial of service when parsing an XML that has many left
angled brackets in an attribute value
(boo#1224390 CVE-2024-35176)
- fix ReDoS when parsing an XML that has many specific characters
(boo#1228072 CVE-2024-39908)- update suse.patch to 531fb8b2cc
- fix quadratic behavior in the uri parser (boo#1209891
- fix expensive regexp in the RFC2822 time parser (boo#1209967
- backport date 2.0.3 (boo#1193035 CVE-2021-41817)
- merge CGI (boo#1205726 CVE-2021-33621)
- When parsing cookies, only decode the values
- HTTP response splitting in CGI- Update suse.patch to 41adc98ad1:
- Cookie Prefix Spoofing in CGI::Cookie.parse (boo#1193081 CVE-2021-41819)
- add back some lost chunks to the suse.patch- Update suse.patch:
- backport fix for CVE-2022-28739: ruby: Buffer overrun in
String-to-Float conversion (boo#1198441)
- back port date 2.0.3 CVE-2021-41817 (boo#1193035)
- merge the previous bug fixes into suse.patch
- CVE-2021-32066.patch
- CVE-2021-31810.patch
- CVE-2021-31799.patch- Add Requires to make and gcc to ruby-devel to make the default
extconf.rb workAdd patches to fix the following CVE's:
- CVE-2021-32066.patch (CVE-2021-32066): Fix StartTLS stripping
vulnerability in Net:IMAP (bsc#1188160)
- CVE-2021-31810.patch (CVE-2021-31810): Fix trusting FTP PASV
responses vulnerability in Net:FTP (bsc#1188161)
- CVE-2021-31799.patch (CVE-2021-31799): Fix Command injection
vulnerability in RDoc (bsc#1190375)- Update to 2.5.9 (boo#1184644)
- CVE-2020-25613: Potential HTTP Request Smuggling Vulnerability
in WEBrick
- CVE-2021-28965: XML round-trip vulnerability in REXML
Complete list of changes at
- Update suse.patch:
Remove fix for CVE-2020-25613 as it is included in the update- Update suse.patch: (boo#1177125)
Backport fix CVE-2020-25613: Potential HTTP Request Smuggling
Vulnerability in WEBrick- replace all patches with suse.patch (v2_5_8..2.5-suse)
(we keep remove-unneeded-files.patch as it can not be done in our
backports branch)
- backport patch to enable optimizations also on ARM64
(boo#1177222)- make sure that update-alternative weight for the default
distribution is always greater than our normal weight- make the update-alternative weight based on the ruby version- Update to 2.5.8 (boo#1167244 boo#1168938)
- CVE-2020-10663: Unsafe Object Creation Vulnerability in JSON
(Additional fix)
- CVE-2020-10933: Heap exposure vulnerability in the socket
- drop CVE-2020-8130.patch and rake-12.3.0.gem: included upstream- Fix CVE-2020-8130 (boo# 1164804) for the intree copy of rake:
- add CVE-2020-8130.patch and rake-12.3.0.gem- remove test files which are not needed at runtime (boo#1162396)
- adds remove-unneeded-files.patch and did_you_mean-1.2.0.gem- update to 2.5.7
- https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2019/10/01/ruby-2-5-7-released/
- CVE-2019-16255: A code injection vulnerability of Shell#[]
and Shell#test (boo#1152990)
- CVE-2019-16254: HTTP response splitting in WEBrick
(Additional fix) (boo#1152992)
- CVE-2019-15845: A NUL injection vulnerability of File.fnmatch
and File.fnmatch? (boo#1152994)
- CVE-2019-16201: Regular Expression Denial of Service
vulnerability of WEBrick’s Digest access authentication
- https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2019/08/28/ruby-2-5-6-released/
- Multiple jQuery vulnerabilities in RDoc (CVE-2012-6708
CVE-2015-9251)- fix running tests (boo#1140844)
just passing the DISABLED_TESTS variable is wrong. probably a
relict from calling the test scripts directly. use TESTOPTS now.- refreshed patches with new patch series:
- rename patch now that it is generated from git:
old: 450160263aed8c446ce5b142d71f921ab4118f3a.patch
new: 0005-Include-the-alternative-malloc-header-instead-of-mal.patch
old: use-pie.patch
new: 0006-Use-PIE-for-the-binaries.patch
- ruby: change over of the Japanese Era to the new emperor May
1st 2019 (boo#1133790)
0007-date-support-for-Reiwa-new-Japanese-era.patch- for some reason the --enable-pie option does not work as
expected. Fix this for now with a patch that just injects the
- pie flag in the Makefile (adds use-pie.patch) (boo#1130028)- update to 2.5.5
- CVE-2019-8320: Delete directory using symlink when
decompressing tar (boo#1130627)
- CVE-2019-8321: Escape sequence injection vulnerability in
verbose (boo#1130623)
- CVE-2019-8322: Escape sequence injection vulnerability in gem
owner (boo#1130622)
- CVE-2019-8323: Escape sequence injection vulnerability in API
response handling (boo#1130620)
- CVE-2019-8324: Installing a malicious gem may lead to arbitrary
code execution (boo#1130617)
- CVE-2019-8325: Escape sequence injection vulnerability in
errors (boo#1130611)
https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2019/03/15/ruby-2-5-5-released/- replace the awk based provides generation with the new file-attr
handler in ruby-bundled-gems-rpmhelper
This kills one provides rubygem-name = version
But this should not have be used since a while anymore.
- add option to build without docs for testing
- provide support to undo the split of the stdlib:
pass --without=separate_stdlib to "osc build"- Use parallel make.- Disable compressed sections as they are not supported by rpm
(https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/12934).- update to 2.5.3
This release includes some bug fixes and some security fixes.
- CVE-2018-16396: Tainted flags are not propagated in Array#pack
and String#unpack with some directives (boo#1112532)
- CVE-2018-16395: OpenSSL::X509::Name equality check does not
work correctly (boo#1112530)
- drop frozen-pop3.patch- backport 450160263aed8c446ce5b142d71f921ab4118f3a.patch:
Include the alternative malloc header instead of malloc.h- update to 2.5.1
This release includes some bug fixes and some security fixes.
- CVE-2017-17742: HTTP response splitting in WEBrick
- CVE-2018-6914: Unintentional file and directory creation with
directory traversal in tempfile and tmpdir (boo#1087441)
- CVE-2018-8777: DoS by large request in WEBrick (boo#1087436)
- CVE-2018-8778: Buffer under-read in String#unpack (boo#1087433)
- CVE-2018-8779: Unintentional socket creation by poisoned NUL
byte in UNIXServer and UNIXSocket (boo#1087440)
- CVE-2018-8780: Unintentional directory traversal by poisoned
NUL byte in Dir (boo#1087437)
- Multiple vulnerabilities in RubyGems
CVE-2018-1000079 (boo#1082058)
CVE-2018-1000075 (boo#1082014)
CVE-2018-1000078 (boo#1082011)
CVE-2018-1000077 (boo#1082010)
CVE-2018-1000076 (boo#1082009)
CVE-2018-1000074 (boo#1082008)
CVE-2018-1000073 (boo#1082007)
https://github.com/ruby/ruby/compare/v2_5_0...v2_5_1- added frozen-pop3.patch:
Net::POPMail methods modify frozen literal when using default arg
https://redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/14416- wrong files where installed from the macro files after adding
dump-version.rb- fix dump-versions.rb: it was picking up system rdoc versions on
some source dirs- add reproducible build patches from debian
0004-Make-gemspecs-reproducible.patch- drop 316f58076d29dcff053256992d9ec19fed7e698f.patch
- no longer bundling bundler- update to 2.5.0 final
Ruby 2.5.0 is the first stable release of the Ruby 2.5 series. It
introduces many new features and performance improvements. The
notable changes are as follows:
- New Features
- rescue/else/ensure are now allowed to be used directly with
do/end blocks. [Feature #12906]
- Add yield_self to yield given block in its context. Unlike
tap, it returns the result of the block. [Feature #6721]
- Support branch coverage and method coverage measurement. The
branch coverage indicates which branches are executed and
which are not. The method coverage indicates which methods
are invoked and which are not. By running the test suite with
these new features, you will know which branches and methods
are executed, and evaluate total coverage of the test suite
more strictly. [Feature #13901]
- Hash#slice [Feature #8499] and Hash#transform_keys [Feature
- Struct.new can create classes that accept keyword arguments.
[Feature #11925]
- Enumerable#any?,all?,none? and one? accept a pattern argument
[Feature #11286]
- Top-level constant look-up is no longer available. [Feature
- One of our most loved libraries, pp.rb, is now automatically
loaded. You no longer have to write require "pp". [Feature
- Print backtrace and error message in reverse order (oldest
call first, most recent call last). When a long backtrace
appears on your terminal (TTY), you can easily find the cause
line at the bottom of the backtrace. Note that the order is
reversed only when backtrace is printed out to the terminal
directly. [Feature #8661] [experimental]
- Performance improvements
- About 5-10% performance improvement by removing all trace
instructions from overall bytecode (instruction sequences).
The trace instruction was added to support the TracePoint.
However, in most cases, TracePoint is not used and trace
instructions are pure overhead. Instead, now we use a dynamic
instrumentation technique. See [Feature #14104] for more
- Block passing by a block parameter (e.g. def foo(&b);
bar(&b); end) is about 3 times faster than Ruby 2.4 by “Lazy
Proc allocation†technique. [Feature #14045]
- Mutex is rewritten to be smaller and faster. [Feature #13517]
- ERB now generates code from a template which runs twice as
fast as Ruby 2.4.
- Improve performance of some built-in methods including
Array#concat, Enumerable#sort_by, String#concat,
String#index, Time#+ and more.
- IO.copy_stream uses copy_file_range(2) to copy offload
[Feature #13867]
- Other notable changes since 2.4
- SecureRandom now prefers OS-provided sources over OpenSSL.
[Bug #9569]
- Promote cmath, csv, date, dbm, etc, fcntl, fiddle, fileutils,
gdbm, ipaddr, scanf, sdbm, stringio, strscan, webrick, zlib
from standard libraries to default gems.
- Update to Onigmo 6.1.3.
- It adds the absence operator.
- Note that Ruby 2.4.1 also includes this change.
- Update to Psych 3.0.2.
- Update to RubyGems 2.7.3.
- Update to RDoc 6.0.1.
- Switch the lexer from IRB based one to Ripper. This
dramatically improves the performance of document
- Fix a significant amount of bugs that existed over ten
- Add support for new Ruby syntax from the latest versions.
- Update supported Unicode version to 10.0.0.
- Thread.report_on_exception is now set to true by default.
This change helps debugging of multi-threaded programs.
[Feature #14143]
- IO#write now receives multiple arguments [Feature #9323] For
details see: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/v2_5_0/NEWS
https://github.com/ruby/ruby/compare/v2_4_0...v2_5_0- switch to https urls- update to 2.5.0~rc1
- added 316f58076d29dcff053256992d9ec19fed7e698f.patch
to fix building rbtrace and ruby-prof- disable jemalloc again because of: (boo#1068883)
https://github.com/jemalloc/jemalloc/issues/937- update to 60813
see installed /usr/share/doc/packages/ruby2.5/ChangeLog- update to 60739
see installed /usr/share/doc/packages/ruby2.5/ChangeLog- make the whole u-a handling less error prone by having the list
in variable ua-binaries- Add conflicts to libruby to make sure ruby and ruby-stdlib are
also updated when libruby is updated (bsc#1048072.)- exclude all testsuites for the stdlib gems- build jemalloc- update to 60568
see installed /usr/share/doc/packages/ruby2.5/ChangeLog
- this fixes the "ruby -rubygems" on 2.5- update intree gem list
- bundler is now part of core too!- update to r60035:
see installed /usr/share/doc/packages/ruby2.5/ChangeLog
- revert some of the wrong Group changes
- drop autoreconf -fi and the buildrequires for the related
packages- make it easier to sync the versions from the gemspec with the
spec file:
ruby dump-versions.rb $unpacked_tarball_dir- add conflicts for all intree gems- Fix RPM groups. Replace old RPM macros by modern ones.
- Ensure neutrality of descriptions.- update to 59623- fix gem provides
- install macro files with 2.5 version- initial package (Fate#324013)
- port 2 patches we still need from the 2.4 package:
0002-gc.c-tick-for-POWER-arch.patch/bin/sh/bin/shh01-ch3d 1740151931
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